About Me

Hello! I’m Deidre Piechocki, artist and owner of Scrap of Clay Art Studio.

Born and raised in Bay City, Michigan, I credit my life-long passion for art to my parents. We visited art galleries and museums, sculpture parks, and festivals discovering and discussing art history, famous artists, regional art, and pivotal movements. For a kid who gravitated towards the arts of any kind, this was Heaven.

Their encouragement led to earning my Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design/Commercial Printing from Western Michigan University. Privileged to work in various graphic design positions, I was eventually hired by the Army National Guard to manage recruitment marketing for the State of Michigan.

As a sculptor and jewelry designer, I’ve found the versatility of polymer clay best supports my passion. Working with this medium allows me the freedom to explore multiple applications with a limitless imagination.

After sharing my artwork on social media, friends began asking when I would start selling. An art business had always been a dream, so I decided to follow my heart and Scrap of Clay Art Studio was born.

As an animal lover, I began sculpting wearable pet portraits, which have become popular with pet owners. Clients have commissioned works for wearing to American Kennel Club events, gifts for friends, and to memorialize a pet that’s “passed over The Rainbow Bridge.” Regardless of the reason, heart and soul is poured into each piece. I’ll work from photos you provide to capture your beloved furry friend’s personality and physical likeness.

Whether you have a love of the fantastical, pride in your particular heritage, or a passion for nature, I’d love to collaborate with you. I enjoy learning about people, and it would be my pleasure to partner with you to create your ideal, unique piece.

When I’m not busy in my studio, you’ll find me studying new clay techniques, reading fiction, taking photos, and traveling to far away destinations. I’ve visited Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, France, Mexico, Canada and Hawaii. This December, I travel to Germany and Austria.

Follow me on my socials or send me an email!

Interesting Facts About Me

As a curious six-year-old, I ate tulip bulbs and spent that night in the ER getting my stomach pumped out.

My father and I built a pinhole camera for a 4th grade Science fair. I was further transfixed, as photos came to life within the various developing solutions in our basement dark room.

At 16, I won first place in The Annual Congressional Art Award Competition and traveled to Washington D.C. to visit my painting while it hung in the corridor between the House of Representatives and The Capitol.

I participated in an after-school art program, called Artists In Schools (AIS), which allowed me the freedom to explore various mediums.

During my senior year, I enjoyed entertaining as our high school mascot, Willie the Wolf.

Because my parents earned teaching salaries, there wasn’t enough money to send me to college. So, I joined the Army National Guard to pay for art school.

I was chosen to design a logo that was published in Photoshop User Magazine.

I am an excellent marksman with a rifle and pistol, and I enjoy target shooting.

I was fortunate to exhibit photographs in the 2013, 2014, and 2015 ArtPrize Competitions in Grand Rapids, MI.