Why Scrap of Clay?

Scraps of polymer clay.

“Why start my own art studio?”

It’s been a dream for as long as I can remember to be a full-time artist. Its where my heart has always leaned towards. My roots. It’s where I first discovered who I was and the passions I held. It makes me feel like, well, me.

I discovered polymer clay in the early 2000s after my children were born. I don’t remember exactly how I fell into it; I probably saw it in an aisle at Michael’s and thought, “Oh that looks neat! I’ve never tried that before!” Regardless, I created little Christmas ornaments and sold them at craft shows. Life ended up getting very busy and I set the clay aside and lived it.

After retiring, and having just lost both of my parents, I needed something to distract me. I picked it back up again realizing I’d missed using the medium. I never realized the joy I’d find in sculpting and making jewelry. It’s cathartic. And, having worked only in 2D art most of my life, I never imagined I’d enjoy sculpting with my hands, but I do immensely.

I created jewelry for a while, and people kept saying, “Are you going to sell that?” I hadn’t thought about selling anything, but after applying for job after job and with nothing in sight, decided why not? So, Scrap of Clay Art Studio was born.

Do I know exactly what I’m doing starting a business? No. Am I loving what I’m creating, designing, and experiencing through others when they see the final product? YES. That’s good enough of a reason for me to begin this exciting journey. And with every piece, I pour my heart and soul into it, infusing my creations with love and passion, hoping to bring joy and beauty to those who wear them.


And, a business is born.


A bit more about me…