We Are The Champions, My Friends.

In a previous blog, I spoke about the marketing program geared specifically towards artists I am participating in. Within The Incubator Program I’m participating in with The Inspiration Place, I belong to a weekly group of other artists, called a pod, who are also in the early stages of their art businesses. Each Thursday morning, we meet to discuss that previous week’s accomplishments, talk about struggles we’re having and determine what our goals will be for the coming week. It has been incredibly helpful and I feel much less alone having this outlet. The artist’s locations range from the United States, Canada, and Germany.

Recently, we entered a Pod Challenge where we had to develop our own “Welcome Sequence” marketing campaign that our clients would receive upon signing up for our email lists. A “Welcome Sequence” is the initial email a client receives from a company introducing them to the business and thanking them for joining the email list. This was incredibly challenging as I’d never worked with an email marketing website before. I joined MailChimp and developed a three-part sequence that consisted of a ‘thank you’ email, a deliverable email (my annual Lookbook), and ended with a survey of what clients would like to see more of in the way of products. Once our sequences were complete, we voted as a group to nominate one artist’s sequence to represent our pod in the challenge. We were excited to win the challenge!

Our ‘prize’ was an hour-long review with Miriam Schulman, The Inspiration Place’s creator, and she answered questions and reviewed our websites. I gained a lot of great insight and identified things I still needed to work on. This past week, we’ve entered our next challenge, which was to develop our “About” pages on our websites (you can see mine by clicking on “About the Artist” at the top of this page). A lot of thought, planning and composing went into the page’s development, but I think I’ve got something I’m very happy with. We’ve submitted our nomination to the challenge contest and are waiting to find out if we are this challenge’s winners. More to come!


Better luck next time.


It Started with a Pinhole Camera.